Return Policy

14 days return policy ( Policy will be applied from the day customer receives the product physically)
If you got any product that is damaged or defective you can return the product within 14 days. If you did not get the product as you ordered, you can return them easily. We will refund you the cost of the purchase.
A product that can you return :
1) Damaged.
2) Defective
3) Not the same as on the website.
Products that can not be returned
1) Ready-made food items.
2) Unsealed items.
3) E top-ups
You can request us to refund your cost after sending us proper order details
and sending us the product in unsealed condition or in a re-saleable condition.
For Klarna Payment
You will receive confirmation of your return booking within 14 days of returning it back to us. If you have not received your return confirmation from us within that time, please contact our customer serivce.

All refund information will come directly to you from Klarna.

PAY NOW – You can expect to receive a refund confirmation email from Klarna soon after your return is processed, your refund will be visible in your bank account within 14 days but is usually much faster than this.

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